Astoria Films emerges as an independent film and television studio situated within the bustling expanse of New York City, boasting a prolific trajectory in content production commencing from 1997. The studio excels in the intricate art of formulating and cultivating feature films and television series, tailored for expansive global distribution across diverse platforms. Presently, the studio orchestrates the evolution of a robust portfolio exceeding 30 feature films in development, including a contemporary rendition of the Italian post-war masterpiece, Umberto D. Notably, the television division, operating under the banner of Basement Studios, embarks on the pre-production phase of 10 original pilots. Astoria Films nurtures robust affiliations with a range of prominent motion picture studios and distributors both within the U.S. and across the European landscape.
Of recent acclaim, Astoria Films stands as a co-producer for its latest feature, “STEALING CHANEL,” featuring a cast comprising Adam Lavorgna, Lydia Hearst, Margaret Colin, John Rothman, and Carol Alt. This compelling cinematic creation has garnered recognition, having been procured by Lifetime Television for comprehensive global distribution. The visionary force behind Astoria Films is Roy Carlo, assuming the dual role of founder and instrumental figure in the capacity of writer and producer across several projects. The studio’s operational echelons also encompass James La Vita, entrusted with the oversight of Motion Picture Development and Production, while Joe Shapiro steers the helm of the Television Division. Tom Kelly, in turn, presides as the Vice President of Talent and Media Relations, lending his expertise to enhance the studio’s public and industry engagements.
Frequently Asked Question
1. What is the address?
Astoria Films Inc is located at 244, 5th Ave, New York, NY 10001, United States
2. What is the contact number?
the phone number of Astoria Films Inc is +12123300607. To learn more about Astoria Films Inc visit,
3. What are the various mode of payment accepted here?
You can make payment Via Cash or Credit/Debit Card etc.
4. What is Astoria Films Inc known for?
the Astoria Films Inc is renowned as one of the top NYC Filming Companies
1 Reviews on “Astoria Films Inc”
I have had the pleasure of working with one of the best independent film and TV studios based in NYC. They are a creative powerhouse with a keen eye for producing compelling content that resonates with audiences worldwide. From the moment I stepped into their studio, I was struck by their commitment to excellence and their passion for storytelling.
Their team of talented filmmakers, writers, and producers is dedicated to bringing unique and diverse perspectives to the screen, and it shows in the quality of their work. They have a track record of producing award-winning films and TV shows that have garnered critical acclaim and popular success.
What sets this studio apart is their ability to provide end-to-end solutions for every aspect of production, from development to post-production. Their state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology make the entire process seamless and efficient, ensuring that every project is delivered on time and on budget.
Overall, I highly recommend this independent film and TV studio to anyone looking for a creative and reliable partner to bring their vision to life.